Chaudhary Rehmat Ali Inventor of Pakistan

Chaudhary Rehmat Ali who first demanded a separate Islamic nation for Muslims and put Pakistan in front of the world. 

                (Chaudhary Rehmat Ali)

In 1933, Rehmat Ali used to publish his pamphlets under the name Know or Never and spewed the poison of separatism in it. 

In 1935, Rahmat Ali writes a book named Pakistan: the Fatherland of the Pak Nation, in which an imaginary map of India was made, in that map it has named India as Dinia.


And in this map it has divided India into eight Islamic countries. 

Inspired by its idea, Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the Muslim League take forward the Pakistan Moment. 
And finally in 1947 a separate country Pakistan is created by dividing India. Despite creating a separate Pakistan, Rahmat Ali becomes very sad and issues a statement.

 In which it was written that the white owners gave only two pieces to Jinnah. Whereas it was his wish that India should be divided into pieces. 

In the end, the government of Pakistan confiscates all the land and property of Rehmat Ali and banishes Rehmat Ali from Pakistan. 

And Rahmat Ali spends the last days of his life on the streets of England, stumbling from door to door in poverty.

-ShriRaj Tripute

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